Improving oversight of the graduate medical education enterprise: one institution's strategies and tools.
Afrin LB, Arana GW, Medio FJ, et al. Improving Oversight of the Graduate Medical Education Enterprise: One Institution???s Strategies and Tools. Academic Medicine. 2006;81(5). doi:10.1097/01.acm.0000222258.55266.6a.
The authors discuss their implementation of an electronic information system to monitor the graduate medical education program at one university. They share lessons learned from the first 3 years of the project, as well as opportunities for growth.
Afrin LB, Arana GW, Medio FJ, et al. Improving Oversight of the Graduate Medical Education Enterprise: One Institution???s Strategies and Tools. Academic Medicine. 2006;81(5). doi:10.1097/01.acm.0000222258.55266.6a.