A transactional "second-victim" model—experiences of affected healthcare professionals in acute-somatic inpatient settings: a qualitative metasynthesis.
Schiess C, Schwappach DLB, Schwendimann R, et al. A Transactional "Second-Victim" Model-Experiences of Affected Healthcare Professionals in Acute-Somatic Inpatient Settings: A Qualitative Metasynthesis. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(8):e1001-e1018. doi:10.1097/PTS.0000000000000461.
This synthesis of 19 qualitative studies of the second victim phenomenon, or the effects of an adverse outcome or error on clinicians, establishes a framework to characterize second victim experiences. The authors recommend including second victim perspectives into root cause analyses in order to improve safety culture.