Critical care teamwork in the future: the role of TeamSTEPPS in the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for the future.
Terregino CA, Jagpal S, Parikh P, et al. Critical Care Teamwork in the Future: The Role of Critical care teamwork in the future: the role of TeamSTEPPS in the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for the future® in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Implications for the Future. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(4):599. doi:10.3390/healthcare11040599.
The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed healthcare delivery and impacted the ways healthcare teams function. Using interprofessional focus groups, this study explored the perspectives of medical intensive care unit (MICU) team members on the role of TeamSTEPPS® during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants discussed how TeamSTEPPS® impacted teamwork and communication through shared mental models, trust, role definition, and effective briefing/debriefing and transitions of care strategies. Participants also identified several challenges to TeamSTEPPS® implementation related to the MICU environment, the ongoing pandemic, power dynamics, and patient acuity.